Accessing data

All published versions of BioDeepTime are published as Zenodo depositions, and are accessible as static files under the main DOI. This DOI always redirects to the most up-to-date version of the database.

Files of the most recent version (v1.0)

The current files of BioDeepTime (v1.0) are accessible from the links below. Both the original relational database and a record-denormalized data frame is available for download.

1) Record-denormalized data frame


The BioDeepTime database in a single table, where every row represents one biogeographic record (occurrence).

This form of the database is optimized for analyses, and can be accessed in binary R (.rds), plain text (.csv) and Apache Parquet (.parquet) formats:

.rds .csv .parquet

2) SQLite Relational database


This is the source of the denormalized table above.


3) Additional data

- References

References (.csv)

- BChron ages for Neotoma

Neotoma BChron ages (.rds)

Via the chronosphere (R)

New versions are automatically added to the chronosphere data-versioning framework (currently available in R only). You can access the BioDeepTime with the following coordinates:


# available datasets
available <- chronosphere::datasets("biodeeptime")

# most recent occurrence table
bdt <- chronosphere::fetch("biodeeptime")

Check out the tutorials for a demonstration!
