Database structure

Structure outlines

BioDeepTime is a relational database compiled and stored in the SQLite 3 standard. Due to heterogeneity of the original data and variation in their focus and scopes, only a fraction of the data fields are copied over from the original database.

The basic entities of BioDeepTime (Smith, Rillo and Kocsis et al. [2023])

Current structure

The structure described here represents the most up-to-date, v1.0 version of BioDeepTime. The current schema includes 17 tables, which are organized according to the following entity-relationship diagram:

Description of tables

sources table

The sources table include information on the constituent databases of the BioDeepTime database.

  • dbID (INTEGER): Primary key, unique ID of a source database.
  • db (varchar): The name of a source database.
  • seriesOriginalIDField (varchar): The name of the field that stores the series IDs in the source database.
  • sampleOriginalIDField (varchar): The name of the field the stores the sample IDs in the source database.
  • refID (INTEGER): Foreign key, refers to refID in the refs table. The reference of the source database.

series table

The series table includes information unique to an entire assemblage time series.

  • seriesID (INTEGER): Primary key, unique ID of the assemblage time series. A positive integer that starts with the TS_ prefix.
  • dbID (INTEGER): Foreign key, refers to dbID in the sources table. Codes the source database that the time series is from.
  • long (float): The present-day longitude coordinate of the time series, assumed to be WGS84.
  • lat (float): The present-day latitude coordinat of the time series, assumed to be WGS84.
  • seriesOriginalName (varchar): If applicable, the human-readable name of the time series, as it is saved in the original database.
  • seriesOriginalID (varchar): The original unique id of the time series, as it is stored in the source database.
  • ageModelID (INTEGER): Foreign key, refers to ageModelID in the ageModels table. If explicitly saved, refers to the age model used with the time series.
  • timeOriginalUnitID (INTEGER): Foreign key, refers to timeOriginalUnitID in the timeOriginalUnits table. All samples in the time series originally have time information assigned to them. These are in the same unit in every time samples, which is coded in this field.
  • depthUnitID (INTEGER): Foreign key, refers to depthUnitID in the depthUnits table. All samples in the time series originally have vertical position (i.e. depth) information assigned to them. These are in the same unit in every time samples, which is coded in this field.
  • reasonID (INTEGER): Foreign key, refers to reasonID in the reasons table. The samples in the assemblage time series were analyzed with a scientific goal in mind.
  • timeDepthUnique (INTEGER): Boolean field, including either 0 or 1. Some time series have replicate samples coming from the depth/vertical position. If such replicate samples are not present, then every sample in the series represent a unique time point, coded with 1. If there are multiple samples coming from the same depth/vertical position, this field is 0.
  • groupID (INTEGER):Foreign key, refers to groupID in the groups table. Every time series is limited to a particular group.

ageModels table

Lookup table for the names of age models.

  • ageModelID (INTEGER): Primary key, unique ID of an age model name.
  • ageModel (varchar): The name of an age model.

timeOriginalUnits table

Lookup table for the units in which time is expressed in the original database.

  • timeOriginalUnitID (INTEGER): Primary key, unique ID of unit of time.
  • timeOriginalUnit (varchar): The name of the time unit, either age or date. The value is either increasing or decreasing in the direction of time.
timeOriginalUnit description direction
AD Calendar years (AD). increasing
ka Age in thousands of years decreasing
ma Age in millions of years decreasing
Radiocarbon years BP Age in years, result of radiocarbon dating. decreasing
Calibrated radiocarbon years BP Age in years, result of radiocarbon dating and calibration. decreasing
Calendar years BP Age in years. decreasing
Varve years BP Age in years coming from varve-chronology. decreasing
rday Days expressed in the date format of R, number of days after 1970-01-01 increasing
rmonth Indicates monthly resolution. As rday, the 15th day of the month. increasing

depthUnits table

Lookup table for the units in which vertical position of sample in a time series is expressed.

  • depthUnitID (INTEGER): Primary key, unique ID of the unit of the vertical position of the sample.
  • depthUnit (varchar): The name of the unit.
depthUnit description
mbsf meters below sea floor
cmbct centimeter below core top
mfsb meters from section bottom

reasons table

Lookup table for the reasons for which the series was described.

  • reasonID (INTEGER): Primary key, unique ID of the reason.
  • reason (varchar): The reason as a string of characters.
reason description
Community analysis The purpose of sample description is community analysis.
Biostratigraphy The purpose of sample description is biostratigraphic correlation.
Selected species The purpose of sample description is the assesment of a pre-select species.
Extreme event The purpose of sample description is the assessment of an extreme geological event.

groups table

Lookup table for the groups that the time series describe.

  • groupID (INTEGER): Primary key, unique ID of the group.
  • group (varchar): The name of the group. If the records in the time series belong to multiple groups, the entry is Mixed.

Samples of biological assemblages are grouped into the assemblage time series (multiple samples/series). Samples typically represent different states of the assemblage (temporal horizons), but this is not necessarily the case.

samples table

  • sampleID (varchar): Primary key, the unique ID of the sample in BioDeepTime. A positive integer that starts with the S_ prefix.
  • seriesID (varchar): Foreign key, refers to a the seriesID field in the series table. The ID of the time series, the sample belongs to.
  • sampleOriginalName (varchar): The original, human-readable name of the sample, copied from the source database.
  • sampleOriginalID (varchar): The original unique ID of the sample, copied from the source database. These values come from the field which is recorded in the sampleOriginalIDField field of the source table.
  • timeOriginal (float): The numeric value that represents the age/date of the sample, copied from the source database. The unit of measurement is time series-specific, and is therefore recorded in the timeOriginalUnitID of the series table.
  • timeOriginalOld (float): The recorded older estimate for the age/date of the sample, in the same unit as timeOriginal.
  • timeOriginalYoung (float): The recorded younger estimate for the age/date of the sample, in the same unit as timeOriginal.
  • age (float): Sample age estimate expressed as years Before Present (relative to 1950, higher values mean older ages, negative values represent ages younger than 1950).
  • ageProcID (INTEGER): Foreign key, refers to the ageProcID field of the ageProcs table. The transformation that was used to derive the age, ageOld and ageYoung column
  • ageOld (float): Older confidence limit of the the age estimate, expressed as years Before Present.
  • ageYoung (float): Younger confidence limit of the the age estimate, expressed as years Before Present.
  • depth (float): The vertical position of the sample if the assemblage time series has a physical record. The unit of measurement (including directions) is specific to the time series, and is recorded in the depthUnitID field of the series table.
  • sequence (float): The order of the samples in the time series, increasing in the direction of time. If samples are contemporaneous, the values are floating point numbers, as output by the rank() R function. This column serves internal purposes and is not exported to the denoramlized copy of the database.
  • waterDepth (float): The estimated water depth in which the sample was taken, expressed in meters (if applicable).
  • environmentID (INTEGER): Foreign key, refers to the environmentID field of the environments table. The general biological realm that the sample represents.
  • preservation (varchar): Textual information on the preservation quality of the sample, copied over from the source database, if it was present.
  • samplingEffort (float): Numeric value that expresses a sampling-related quantity. Its unit is recorded in the samplingEffortType column.
  • samplingEffortTypeID (INTEGER): Foreign key, refers to the samplingEffortTypeID column of the samplingEffortTypes table. The units in which sampling effort is expressed.
  • minimumMesh (float): If applicable, the minimum size of the mesh used to filter a microfossil/microorganism sample (in micrometers).
  • maximumMesh (float): If applicable, the maximum size of the mesh used to filter a microfossil/microorganism sample (in micrometers).
  • totalCount (float): If applicable, the sum of the sample’s total abundance.

refs table

List of references where the original record come from. Includes the references of the source databases.

  • refID (INTEGER): Primary key, the unique ID of every reference.
  • ref (varchar): The reference in text format, as it is stated in the original database. Standardization of format is ongoing.
  • bibtex (varchar): A bibtex handle for the refs.bib file.

Many-to-many connection table, linking assemblage samples to the references. This information is denormalized to text values (multiple refID/sample is separated by a comma).

  • refID (INTEGER): Foreign key, refers to the refID field of the refs table. A reference tied to the sample.
  • sampleID (varchar): Foreign key, refers to the sampleID field of the samples table. A sample that is described in a reference.

ageProcs table

Lookup table, the transformation applied to the sample, which led to the age estimate of the samples.

  • ageProcID (INTEGER): Primary key, the unique ID of the transformation type.
  • ageProc (varchar): The name of the transformation.
ageProc description
translated original The original ages were copied, and were translated to years BP.
bchron New ages estimates were calculated with the bchron R package.
calibrated original Original, radiometric dates were calibrated using the bchron R package.
original The originally stated ages were copied from the timeOriginal field.
thickness-interpolation Ages were calculated from bed thickness during the compilation of the BioDeepTime database.

environments table

Lookup table of the biological realms that the samples represent.

  • environmentID (INTEGER): Primary key, the unique ID of the environment.
  • environment (varchar): The name of the sampled environment.
environment description
Marine The samples represent a marine aquatic environment.
Freshwater The samples represent a freshwater aquatic environment.
Terrestrial The samples represent terrestrial environment.
Terrestrial or Freshwater The samples represent either a terrestrial or a freshwater aquatic environment.

samplingEffortTypes table

Lookup table of the units of sampling efforts.

  • samplingEffortTypeID (INTEGER): Primary key, the unique ID of the sampling effort type.
  • samplingEffortType (varchar): The name of the sampling effort.
samplingEffortType description
specimens The number of specimens counted in the sample.
g The sample weight in grams.
cm3 The volume of the sample in cubic centimeters.
ml The volume of the sample in milliliters.
km2 The area of the sample in square kilometers.
m2 The area of the sample in square meters.

The primary unit is one (occurrence) record: the presence of a taxon in a sample, which either is, or isn’t associated with an abundance value.

records table

Table to record many-to-many connections between taxa and samples.

  • recordID (INTEGER): Primary key, unique ID for every record.
  • sampleID (varchar): Foreign key, refers to the sampleID field of the samples table.
  • taxonID (INTEGER): Foreign key, refers to the taxonID field of the taxa table.
  • abundance (float): A numeric value that contains the abundance information of the taxon in the sample.
  • abundanceUnitID (INTEGER): Foreign key, refers to the abundanceUnitID of the abundanceUnits table.

taxa table

List of the taxonomic entries that occur in the sample. These entities were copied over from the original databases - assuming that taxonomy homogeneous within an assemblage time series.

  • taxonID (INTEGER): Primary key, the unique ID of the taxon entry.
  • analyzedTaxon (varchar): The character string that refers to a taxon observation. These were copied over from the source databases.
  • species (varchar): If available, the clean, most likely binomen of the analyzedTaxon entry.
  • genus (varchar): If available, the clean, genus name the analyzedTaxon belongs to.
  • analyzedTaxonRankID (INTEGER): Foreign key, refers to the analyzedTaxonRankID of the analyzedRanks table. The taxonomic rank of the analyzedTaxon entry.
  • openNomenclature (varchar): Qualifiers of open nomenclature that occur in the analyzedTaxon entry.

analyzedRanks table

Lookup table of the taxonomic ranks that the record represents.

  • analyzedTaxonRankID (INTEGER): Primary key, the unique id of the rank.
  • analyzedRank (varchar): The rank of the analyzed taxon.
analyzedRank description
Species The rank of species.
Genus The rank of genera.
Family The rank of families.
Order The rank of orders.
Class The rank of classes.
Phylum The rank of phyla.
indet Unidentified rank.

abundanceUnits table

Lookup table of the units in which the abundance of a taxon in a sample is expressed.

  • abundanceUnitID (INTEGER): Primary key, the unique ID of the abundance unit.
  • abundanceUnit (varchar): The name of the unit of abundance.
abundanceUnit description
count The number of specimens found in the sample (or in an observation, e.g. single quadrat - BioTime)
percent The percentage of the number of specimens occupied by the taxon in the sample.
presence Only the presence of a taxon is recorded.
relative abundance The proportion of the number of specimens occupied by the taxon in the sample.
density count The number of individuals in a given volume or area. (BioTIME)
mean count The mean number of species across several samples-quadrats (BioTIME)
biomass cover The area covered by a taxon in a sample.
biomass volume The volume of a taxon in a sample.
biomass weight The weight of a taxon in a sample.
flux Average number of specimens sampled per day per squared-meter (sediment trap data)